Matt Goetsch

Chad Nys

Matt Kapalin

The Founder's Club acknowledges everyone who has donated over $1,000 towards the NE Wisconsin Rugby Complex.  

VIllage Companies

Brown County

​John Fetherston

Mach IV Engineering

Chernick Family


$2,500 - $4,999

In Memory of

Greg Smith

Perry Sieber

​Matt Peterson

$10,000 - $24,999

Bringing Rugby to the youth of NE Wisconsin

$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $2,499

Bernatello's Pizza

Jim Chereskin

Tom Olson

Kevin Osadjan

Tim Bosman
Kory Brockman
Cole Coopman
Paul Dearden
Darren Frank
Dr. John Gray
Kevin Johnson
Greg 'Harry' Mallon
Bob Mooney
Craig Nehring
John O'Connell
Pulaski Rugby
Lynn and Gary Retzak
In Memory of Tom Rolf(Patty Cooney)
John Rupp
Paul Spanbauer